Friday, November 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

The Pretty Purly Knit Markers I discovered on Etsy are absolutely lovely and just what every knitter needs -or maybe just wants. I bought some recently and they are completely charming, well constructed, and really beautiful too.

Knotty Knitters 2011 Calendar is a Helen Mirren Calendar Girls style fund raising effort for autism. I haven't seen it yet, but what's not to love about it?

Drinking the Italian wine, Prosecco always makes me happy. I always say that if I was really wealthy, I would always have some of this in my fridge. I do have two cups of coffee every morning, and we can afford to buy a bottle of wine when we want, so I do feel wealthy with these consistent luxuries in my daily life.

The color green (less minty-colored and more 1930's than this photo's showing) that I just painted our bedroom and...

...the emerald green of this yarn. I'm knitting the brocade square, part of the square a month project Tandy in the SKG is doing for us. I love it! I love that I can use an odd skein or two of my yarn to make each square, and that it is a project done in small increments over the year to create something big.

Any and all grandmother stories and recipes. There is so much they have to share. "By this point, we have all been through one kind of hell or another." -author Terry McMillan

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