And more snow. I love it, but only because we do not have to go anywhere. Actually, I don't think we could go anywhere, even if we wanted to. So, we stayed home again today -and I quilted.

I finished the body of my quilt yesterday, and now I only have the border left to finish. I am doing a lot of thinking while I quilt. Some of my thinking is remembering when I first started making this -my youngest was a toddler and now she's eighteen! Granted, it was put away in a box for several years, but I spent over a year piecing it and now it's going to have been over a year quilting it. It is a bit like my children -lots of hard work from beginning to end. At times, both raising children and making this quilt seemed incredibly overwhelming and impossible to do. But quilting is done one stitch at a time, and parenting is accomplished one day at a time. You focus on those individual stitches and days and do the best you can until one day you're finished. There is no more left for you to do, and you step back and see that the result is so incredibly awesome you can hardly believe you've had a part in it!